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Chinese business course

This course is intended for those who have not studied the Chinese language before, and who will now have the opportunity to learn the basics of the Chinese language and its use in business communication.

Already at the first level of the course, you will learn basic greetings and polite words in the Chinese language, as well as words and dialogues that are used in everyday life. You will learn how to make simple business conversations, how to ask and answer simple questions, arrange meetings, present yourself and your products, etc. You will also master business etiquette, i.e. how to behave in certain business situations, you will learn why it is important to exchange business cards and how to give and receive business cards in China, etc.

The course consists of 3 levels:
1. Business Chinese Standard Course – Basic 1, Basic 2, Basic 3,
2. Intermediate Business Chinese Standard Course, and
3. Advanced Business Chinese Standard Course,
each lasting three months.
After each course level, you may take a Business Chinese Test/BCT.

To apply for the course or for any further information on the teacher and course schedule please write to us on the email:

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Универзитета у Бањој Луци

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Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci

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