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A Chinese Culture Quiz Held for Second School Students from Banja Luka, Srbac and Doboj

During September, the Confucius Institute at University of Banja Luka is organizing a series of

activities to mark the International Confucius Institute Day.

The marking of the International Confucius Institute Day began on 18 September 2021 with a

Chinese culture quiz for Banja Luka and Srbac Grammar School students. The quiz was held as part of the Confucius Classroom activities in Banja Luka Grammar School, where the Confucius Institute has been organizing free Chinese language courses for students of this school for three years now.

A total of 9 teams consisting of 3 students participated in the Chinese culture quiz. Students

answered in writing 20 questions about Chinese contemporary and traditional culture, sports,

science and technology. The winner of the quiz and the only team with all the correct answers

was the team named "Little Pandas” (小熊猫).

On 22 September 2021, a Chinese culture quiz was also held for students of the Secondary

School Center Doboj in the premises of the School of Economics in Doboj, where the Confucius Institute has been organizing free Chinese language courses for students of this secondary school center for two years now.

A total of 6 teams of 3 students from the following Doboj secondary schools: School of

Economics, Jovan Dučić Grammar School, Medical School, Traffic School, Technical School

and Tourism and Catering School took part in this quiz. The winners were students of Jovan

Dučić Grammar School.

As part of celebrating the International Confucius Institute Day, the Confucius Institute is

organizing a Chinese calligraphy workshop and martial arts class for primary school children on 25 September 2021, as well as a table tennis competition for students and employees at the University of Banja Luka and other interested citizens. These open-air activities will be held at the University Campus and are open to the general public.

Over 500 Confucius Institutes in more than 140 countries traditionally celebrate this day during this month and on that occasion organize public events where the Chinese language, culture and tradition are shared with the citizens of the local community.


Конфуцијев институт

Универзитета у Бањој Луци

Konfucijev institut
Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci

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