Confucius Institute Home Director and Head of the Sinology Department at the University of Banja Luka Asst. Prof. Ljiljana Stević, PhD, and member of the Sinology Centre of the Faculty of Philology Prof. Željka Babić, PhD, participated from 25 to 31 October 2024 in the Second World Conference of Sinologists in China.
In the first part of the conference, on the panel "Cultural heritage of Chinese modernization rooted in Chinese civilization: perspectives of sinologists", Stević presented her paper in the field of Chinese traditional culture on the topic "Specific elements of Chinese cultural hybridity in relation to European universality". In the second part of the conference, on the panel "Sinology and Chinese studies: disciplinary development", Babić presented the paper "Implementation of interactive cultural education", whereas on the panel "National identities and the construction of a political community" Stević presented the topic,, Evolution of the term Tianxia (天下)’’.
This conference, organized by the Beijing University of Language and Culture, the World Sinology Center, the Chinese Culture Translations and Studies Support Network and the Chinese Association for International Understanding was attended by 100 sinologists from more than 40 countries, and the opening ceremony, among others, was attended by Vice-Minister of the International Department of the Communist Party of China Lu Kang, Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Labour of China Shi Mainan, Head of the Center for Chinese Studies and Rector of Beijing University of Language and Culture Duan Peng.
During the conference, a meeting was organized with the founders of the Balkan Association of Sinologists, the founding meeting of which will be organized online on 29 November 2024. At the meeting, it was decided that members of the Sinology Study Programme of the Faculty of Philology of the University of Banja Luka should join this organization.
