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A Тea Ceremony Break at the Confucius Institute of the University of Banja Luka

On 2 June 2020, the Confucius Institute of the University of Banja Luka organized a tea

ceremony in the Dao Garden at the Faculty of Political Sciences for the colleagues from the


This event was organized as a farewell to Gao Yang, the Chinese language professor, who spent two years at the Institute.

In addition to the Chinese language and culture courses for students and the general public at the Confucius Institute, Professor Gao held the Chinese Language courses at the Grammar School in Banja Luka, the Chinese Language and Business Etiquette courses at the School of Economics in Banja Luka and the School of Economics in Doboj as well as for the Republic of Srpska Government employees.

She also took active part in the preparation of the syllabus for the Chinese language in the

Sinology Study Programme, which is to be established at the Faculty of Philology, University of

Banja Luka.

Gao Yang is a Chinese language professor at Tianjin University for Technology and Education

in China, with which the University of Banja Luka has signed a partnership agreement and which is the co-founder of the Confucius Institute at the University of Banja Luka.

We thank our colleague Gao for all her efforts and dedication while working for the Confucius

Institute and wish her all the best in her future career.


Конфуцијев институт

Универзитета у Бањој Луци

Konfucijev institut
Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci

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