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CIUBL Representatives Visiting TCM Doctors in Tuzla

On Thursday, July 15 2021, Director of Confucius Institute at UBL Shen Li with the associates paid a visit to two TCM doctors in Tuzla, Dr. Yuan and Dr. Wu.

Dr. Yuan and Dr. Wu have been working professionally in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as in Serbia for more than 20 years and during that period they have visited and treated patients across the country, mostly in Tuzla, Brcko and Banja Luka.

During the visit, the couple showed CI representatives around their clinic and explained how patients are treated by TCM methods like acupuncture and massage. They also explained TCM is getting more and more popular in local areas.

Director Shen appreciated the doctors’ hospitality in receiving CI representatives and expressed wishes to collaborate with them in promoting TCM around Republic Spska through the platform of CI.

Both sides agreed that the cooperation in field of Traditional Chinese Medicine will grow in the future. TCM lectures and workshops are expected to be physically conducted by two doctors at CIUBL in late October.


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Универзитета у Бањој Луци

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Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci

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