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Confucius Institute at University of Banja Luka Participated in The European Researchers' Night

On Friday, Sep 28, The European Researchers' Night was held in Banja Luka Youth Center. A large number of companies, institutions and language schools presented their work and achievements.

Banja Luka is celebrating the European Night of Researchers for the 7th year in a row. This event had a slogan “Let‘s STEAM: creating new opportunities ” and started from 5 pm at different sites.

Confucius Institute at University of Banja Luka was also one of the participants. CI employees presented promotional materials, explained the role of CI and gave the opportunity to everyone who visited the stand to write Chinese characters and to see what it looks like to write in Chinese.

Citizens of Banja Luka enjoyed learning a little bit of Chinese Language and trying to write Chinese characters. The presentation attracted numerous kids who tried writing characters. And the representatives of the CI explained the evolution of Chinese characters with bookmarks, which aroused strong interest of the visitors in Chinese culture.

Representatives of CI said they were very happy that their work is recognized in Banja Luka and will definitely attend Researchers' Night next year to get more people know about Confucius Institute at University of Banja Luka and learn Chinese language and culture.


Конфуцијев институт

Универзитета у Бањој Луци

Konfucijev institut
Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci

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