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Confucius Institute Organizes an Art Competition for Primary and Secondary School Pupils

In honour of the Chinese New Year and the Year of the Rabbit, the Confucius Institute at the

University of Banja Luka organizes an art competition for primary and secondary school pupils, which will last until 3 March 2023.

The art technique is of the pupil`s own choice, and the works can be delivered in person or sent by mail to the address of the Confucius Institute: Faculty of Political Science, Bulevar vojvode Petra Bojovića 1A, 78000 Banja Luka, please indicate For the art competition at the Confucius Institute.

On the back of each work, please write legibly: first and last name, class, school and city, and it

is preferable to leave a contact phone number.


The best works in several categories will be awarded, and the authors of the works will be

notified about in due time.


For all questions and additional information, please contact us on the following email



Конфуцијев институт

Универзитета у Бањој Луци

Konfucijev institut
Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci

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