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Enrolment of the First Generation in the Sinology Study Programme

Faculty of Philology of the University of Banja Luka is launching a modern, interdisciplinary

Sinology Study Programme from the academic year 2002/2023, intended for prospective

students who want to study the Chinese language and its literature, traditional and modern

culture, history, international relations and other aspects of comprehensive studying of today's


It is a four-year study programme (240 ECTS), and students who successfully complete their

studies get a bachelor’s degree in Sinology. Classes are held in Serbian, Chinese and English

in a modern classroom. They will have the possibility of getting a scholarship and a longer or

shorter paid stay in China, as well as the possibility of master's and doctoral studies in China.

The lecturers are local and visiting professors and lecturers from China.

After completing the studies, students will, in addition to the necessary knowledge that a

professor and translator of the Chinese language should have, gain additional skills such as

computer literacy, broader knowledge of diplomacy and economic trends, good knowledge of

Chinese and English (C1 according to the European Reference Framework) and will be able

to work as consultants in government institutions that cooperate with China and other Asian


A total of 10 students have been admitted in the first enrolment round. The plan is to enrol 30

students, 20 of which tuition-free. There is room for five self-financed students and five

foreign students.

Candidates may apply for the admission to the second enrolment round from 29 August 2022,

which closes on 2 September 2022. The entrance examination will take place on 5 September

2022, beginning at 9. Enrolment of the admitted candidates in the second round will open

from 12 September 2022 and will last until 16 September 2022.

For all additional information on the enrolment and the studies, please refer to the Faculty of

Philology or the Confucius Institute of the University of Banja Luka.


Конфуцијев институт

Универзитета у Бањој Луци

Konfucijev institut
Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci

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