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Global Confucius Institute Day Marked with Several Events

In honour of marking the Global Confucius Institute Day, on 14 September 2020, the exhibition

of photographs Tea, Love and the World was officially opened in the Dao Garden of the

Confucius Institute at the University of Banja Luka.

The exhibition of 36 photographs selected by a special jury from China, out of a total of 200

photographs displayed around the world, was organised with the International Association of

Scienticts. This exhibition of tea photographs presents this very important aspect of Chinese

culture in a special way and will be open for 30 days, after which it will be moved to the

secondary School of Economics in Doboj.

Over 500 Confucius Institutes in more than 140 countries worldwide celebrate this day during

September every year by organising public events in which the Chinese language, culture and

tradition is shared with the citizens of local communities in which they operate.

In addition to the exhibition Tea, Love and the World the Confucius Institute of the University

of Banja Luka and the International Association of Scientists organised the promotion of the

collection of poems Dvoje by Stevka Kozić Preradović and Ranko Preradović in honour of

marking the Global Confucius Institute Day on 17 September at the Banski Dvor auditorium.

These two renowned poets from Banja Luka have published about twenty collections of poetry, have won numerous awards and recognitions and their works have been translated into more than fifteen languages, including English, French, German, Italian, Czech, Polish, Macedonian, Turkish, Hungarian, Slovenian, Esperanto and others. This is the first time that a work of theirs has also been translated into Chinese language.

Moreover, the promotion of the book Vjesnici prvih znanja o Kini u srpskom narodu by Selena

Pjević was held on 21 September at the Dao Garden of the Confucius Institute.

Selena Pjević is the first Chinese language professor in the schools of Serbia and the author of

the Chinese language programme for secondary schools adopted by the Ministry of Education of Serbia in 1997. She works as the Chinese Language and Literature professor at the Language Grammar School in Belgrade. She has dedicated her 25-year long work experience to spreading love for China, Chinese language and culture.


Конфуцијев институт

Универзитета у Бањој Луци

Konfucijev institut
Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci

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