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Introductory Course in Chinese Language Successfully Completed

Updated: Sep 13, 2018

The first group of some hundred students successfully completed the introductory course in Chinese language, organized by the Confucius Institute during June 2018.

In this course they had the opportunity to learn about the basics of Chinese language and characters, and upon the completion of the course they were awarded certificates on completed introductory course printed in Chinese language.

Everyone interested will be able to continue with the course in Chinese language in July.

The students had the opportunity to learn the language from a Chinese language professor from China as well as from a domestic professor. The course was free of charge for everyone.

A separate course has been organized for the pupils of Banja Luka Grammar School, who will have the opportunity to spend their summer vacation learning Chinese.

The official course in Chinese language shall start in September this year, and everyone interested my send their application to the e-mail address:


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