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“What Can Traditional Chinese Medicine Really Do?"

Updated: Aug 20, 2018

A lecture was held at Banja Luka University Faculty of Medicine on traditional Chinese medicine and its potentialities, organised by the Confucius Institute in cooperation with the Faculty of Medicine.

The physician of Chinese medicine Filip Manja introduced the students and professors of the Faculty of Medicine as well as all the interested citizens with individual methods used in traditional Chinese medicine – acupuncture, herbal medicine, Tui Na massages, vacuum glass treatments, etc. as well as with their practical application.

"Chinese medicine can offer us a lot with its long tradition of accumulated knowledge. It can give us instructions on how to nurture life, how to prevent the occurrence of illness, or it can timely point to an illness through its specific diagnosis and how to effectively deal with many diseases if they do occur ", said Manja.

He added that in the last couple of years the Chinese Government has set the sharing of knowledge on Chinese medicine in the West as one of its priorities within the One Belt One Road project.

"As part of this corpus, I am honoured to share the knowledge with people from this region, beginning with demystification and more precise definition of Chinese medicine, and hence the title of the lecture `What Can Chinese Medicine Really Do?`, said Manja.

The Vice-Rector for International Cooperation of the Faculty of Medicine, Lana Nežić, said that the lecture of Filip Manja was organised with the aim to introduce the Chinese tradition and its philosophy of life and work to the students and professors as well as the general public.

She pointed out that Western medicine has recently started to more seriously experience Chinese medicine, especially phytomedicine. Great credit is due to the winner of the Nobel Prize Youyou Tu for the discovery of artemisinin, a drug used for the treatment of malaria, based on old Chinese phytomedicine, which significantly reduced the mortality rate of affected patients worldwide.

Director of the Confucius Institute of the University of Banja Luka, Ljiljana Stević, said that this lecture was another significant event that was successfully carried out after the recent opening of the Confucius Institute, and that there are many more activities and events this Institute will organise.

Filip Manja is a physician of Chinese medicine who first graduated in Chinese Language and Literature at the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade, and thereafter graduated in Chinese Medicine in China, in Chinese language.


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Универзитета у Бањој Луци

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Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci

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