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Online Chinese Language Course for Beginners to Start in April

In times like this when it is recommended that citizens stay in their homes to prevent the spread of COVID-19, they will now have the opportunity to learn the basics of Chinese in a free online Chinese language course for beginners organized by the Confucius Institute at the University of Banja Luka. Classes will be held through the Zoom application or in the form of pre-prepared recordings, and the Confucius Institute lecturers will be in constant contact with the students, answering all their queries and sending homework and notes. The Chinese language and culture is taught by native Chinese language speakers and professors of Chinese language. At the end of the program, the students are awarded certificates on successfully completed course in Chinese language, and they may take the HSK Test (Chinese proficiency examination) at the Confucius Institute at the University of Banja Luka, which is also the Test Center of this internationally recognized examination. You will be informed about the details of the course through social networks, and you can already register for the course at


Конфуцијев институт

Универзитета у Бањој Луци

Konfucijev institut
Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci

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