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Roundtable on Sinology at the Faculty of Philology Held

Roundtable titled ’Sinology Study Programme at the Faculty of Philology of the University

of Banja Luka’ was held on 15 December 2021.

The Study of the Sinology Study Programme, which will be taught at the Faculty of Philology,

was presented at the roundtable held at the Confucius Institute. The status and perspectives of this study programme at the University of Banja Luka, as well as the process of its preparation and results thereof, were discussed.

The sinology studies worldwide today were also presented, which include the study of China

through the philological approach to the study of language, philosophy, history and culture of

this country, as well as contemporary Chinese studies, which focus on the study of China

through sociology, economics and international relations.

The participants of the roundtable were also presented with the curriculum for studying Chinese language at secondary schools and Chinese as an elective subject at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Banja Luka, as well as with an overview of the work of the Confucius Classroom a year since its opening at Banja Luka Grammar School.

The following persons took part in the work of this roundtable organized by the Confucius

Institute and the Faculty of Philology: senior lecturer at the Chinese Language, Literature and

Culture Group at the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade Jelena Gledić, MA, Dean of the Faculty of

Philology of the University of Banja Luka Prof. Biljana Babić, PhD, Prof. Željka Babić, PhD,

and Prof. Emir Muhić, PhD, at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Banja Luka,

professor at the Philological Gymnasium in Belgrade Selena Pjević, MA. Professor at the Banja

Luka Grammar School Sandrijela Kasagić, MA, School Inspector – Education Adviser at the RS

Pedagogical Institute Kristina Mataruga, Directors of the Confucius Institute Ljiljana Stević,

PhD, and Shen Li, and Chinese language teachers Sonja Milić, Anja Mudrenović, Milana Bjelic,

Weizhen Li and Li Ying also participated in the roundtable.

Vice-Rector for Human and Material Resources of the University of Banja Luka Prof. Dalibor

Kesić, PhD, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Political Science Assist. Prof. Dalibor Savić, PhD,

Assist. Prof. Nina Govedar, PhD, at the Faculty of Philology and representatives of the Banja

Luka Confucius Institute also attended the roundtable.


Конфуцијев институт

Универзитета у Бањој Луци

Konfucijev institut
Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci

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