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Students of the Confucius Institute Stayed at the Summer Camp in China

Students of the Confucius Institute at Banja Luka University were at the summer camp in Tianjin and Beijing between 12 and 23 July 2019. The Confucius Institute at Banja Luka University and Tianjin University of Technology and Education organized their stay at the camp. They provided the participants with accommodation, food and transport in Tianjin and Beijing.

The days spent at the summer camp consisted of Chinese language classes, calligraphy and Chinese culture, visits to the most important places in Tianjin and Beijing, as well as a closing ceremony attended by Confucius Institute students from Central and Eastern Europe.

Altogether 20 students of the Confucius Institute were given the opportunity to perfect their language and to directly get to know what the students' life is like in China, visit the universities and campuses, as well as visit the capital Beijing and one of China's most developed cities, Tianjin.

The representatives of the Confucius Institute represented the University of Banja Luka at the muster ceremony of Confucius Institute summer camps organized by Hanban, the headquarters of the Confucius Institutes. During this summer school, more than 1 000 students and teachers from thirty-one Confucius Institutes operating in sixteen countries of Central and Eastern Europe gathered at one place.

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Универзитета у Бањој Луци

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Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci

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