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The Renowned Chinese Architect Zhao Jinsong Held a Lecture in Banja Luka

Updated: Aug 17, 2018

The honorary professor at the Tianjin University in China, Department of Architecture and Design, held a lecture on the topic ‘Smart and Sustainable Design – from Planning to Implementation’ at the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy of Banja Luka University on Tuesday, 26 June 2018, at 19 o’clock.

The lecture was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Prof. Dr. Brankica Milojevic, who in her introductory word underlined how important it is to exchange knowledge and stressed that this lecture was a unique opportunity for the students of the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy to learn about the latest achievements in the field of architecture, design and development of master plan, with the focus on aesthetics, functionality, environmental protection and energy efficiency.

Close to 60 students and professors as well as architects attended the lecture and had the opportunity to see some practical examples of Chinese cities, i.e. Tianjin transformation into citizen-friendly urban living space. They had the opportunity to admire the presentation of the reconstruction process of the old truck factory in Tianjin into an urban living space with all the accompanying features and combining of modern and traditional elements, thus respecting the sustainable renewable energy principles. Professor Zhao Jinsong also showed the audience the Maldives project, which successfully resolved the issue of lack of space with urban and tourist sites.

This lecture of Professor Zhao Jinsong was organized by the Confucius Institute of Banja Luka University, with the aim of sharing Chinese knowledge and experience with the local community in which it operates.

Zhao Jinsong is the founder of the multinational company Archiland International, as well as the chief architect and design director, operating in several countries around the world, which has received prestigious awards in the last couple of years in China and worldwide alike.


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