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巴尼亚卢卡大学孔子学院2019年度工作总结汇报 Confucius Institute at University of Banja Luka 2019 annual report

一、 工作概述

I. Work Summary


Since the launching ceremony held on 21 Jan. 2018, Confucius Institute at University of Banja Luka started to provide programs of Chinese language and cultural activities to government officials, kindergarten kids, grammar school students, university students, pensioners and others who were interested in learning Chinese language and Chinese traditional culture, etc. to help them have a better knowledge of Chinese history, culture, traditions and customs, etc.


Confucius Institute at University of Banja Luka also organizes academic lectures and other activities so as to contribute to the cooperation between China and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Networking to promote the cooperation between different institutions in these two countries is also an important part of CI’s work.




5 staff members:one home director, one Chinese director (new Chinese director nominated), two Chinese teachers, one volunteer Chinese teacher (departed in May) , one local assistant teacher and one local associate


III. Books and CDs and DVDs


The Confucius Institute at University of Banja Luka has 2030 copies of books and 243 CDs and DVDs.


IV. Teaching activities


By the end of Oct., altogether 150 students attended 10 Chinese language programs and, 1 ECTS credited program at the Faculty of Philology 2 Taichi/Martial Art programs with 50 people all together.

五. 学术讲座及文化教学活动

V. Organization of Culture Activities


By the end of Oct., CI has organized and participated in 30 events and activities and submitted 40 news reports in Chinese and English to Hanban.

2018年12月15日,孔子学院与巴尼亚卢卡禅(Zen)餐厅共庆孔院成立一周年,本次周年庆典以中国美食节的形式开展。100余人参与此次活动,包括Igor Radojicic市长、教育部部长Alen Seranic及其他高级官员。


Zen Restaurant Chinese dinner evening CI Anniversary(around 100 attendees with the Mayor Igor Radojicic, Minister of Education Alen Seranic and other high officials)The Confucius Institute at the University of Banja Luka celebrated the first year of operating in the Republika Srpska on 15 December 2018 by organizing a Chinese evening with Chinese cuisine in the Zen restaurant. Friends, business associates and a large number of citizens had the opportunity to enjoy Chinese specialties and Chinese music and learn something new about Chinese food and food culture in China.


此次为期两天的波黑布尔奇科特区中国文化节活动内容吸引了不少民众参与。该活动是由巴尼亚卢卡大学孔子学院与玛丽·普林奇青年组织(Mali Princ Youth Organization)、帕里罗塔培训中心(Poliglota Institution)、布尔奇科博物馆(Museum of Brcko District)共同举办。具体包括七个不同主题的中国文化工作坊,如中医讲座与现场问诊、汉语学习体验、剪纸、绘画、书法等。孔院中方院长蔡莺还特别为大家展示了如何使用筷子。

2ndFeb. 2019, the second day of the Chinese Cultural Festival, with joint efforts from the Confucius Institute at University of Banja Luka, Mali Princ Youth Organization, Poliglota Institution and Museum of Brcko District, seven workshops were held to get the local people there to experience Chinese language and culture.

At the Museum of Brcko District, after giving an introduction on Chinese food, Chinese New Year festival and the history of chopsticks, Ying, the Chinese director of the Confucius Institute at University of Banja Luka showed the audience how to use chopsticks.

” (around 200 attendees)


First Chinese Proficiency Tests Held at Confucius Institute at University of Banja Luka

On Mar. 23rd, 2019, Testing Center for Chinese Proficiency Tests at Confucius Institute at University of Banja Luka hosted the first HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) and HSKK (Chinese Speaking Test) tests. 23 candidates took the tests of different levels.


Confucius Institute Supported the ‘Days of Students’ Manifestation

The Confucius Institute at the University of Banja Luka held different workshops named ‘Chinese Culture Through the Eyes of Students’ at the Faculty of Political Sciences within the ‘Days of Banja Luka University Students’ manifestation, organized by the Student Parliament at the University of Banja Luka on 17 April 2019, with the aim to introduce Chinese culture and customs to the students of Banja Luka.



The representatives from the Confucius Institute at University of Banja Luka were invited to Montessori Kindergarten to celebrate Chinese New Year Festival with the professors and kids there together on 8th Feb. 2019.

Professor Wu Kun dressed up as Monkey King and told the kids some customs on Chinese New Year Festival, say, decorating house with paper-cut works and red lanterns and playing firecrackers and fireworks.



Karaoke Night at Grammar School in Banja Luka

On Wednesday, February 13th Grammar school in Banja Luka and Confucius Institute organized a night of Chinese pop culture, a.k.a karaoke night which attracted attention of a great number of students, professors and citizens of Banja Luka.

巴尼亚卢卡大学孔子学院与文法学校共同举办了题为“十二生肖与塞族星座”的讲座,由文法学校塞语文学教授伊万·耶维多耶维克(Ivan Jevdjovic)主讲。


Lecture on ‘The Chinese-Serbian Constellation’

On 12 February 2019, the Confucius Institute of the University of Banja Luka and the Grammar School organized the lecture titled 'The Chinese-Serbian Constellation’ given by professor Ivan Jevdjovic.


Children Learned About Chinese Customs at the RS Museum

The workshop titled “Paper Cut Art“ and Kung Fu, held on 16 February 2019 at the Museum of the Republic of Srpska, was attended by a great number of children who had the opportunity to gain some new skills, the ones children of their age in China have.

This event was organized by the Confucius Institute at the University of Banja Luka and the Museum of the Republic of Srpska on the occasion of marking the Chinese New Year.

由孔子学院和巴尼亚卢卡大学医学院联合举办的中医药讲座深受许多市民和师生的欢迎。菲利普·马尼亚(Filip Manja)作为主讲人,用汉语讲述了他的求学经历。他是首位毕业于贝尔格莱语言学院汉语言文学专业的中医医师,此后曾赴中国进修中医专业。


Acupuncture Is not the Same as the Chinese Medicine

Chinese medicine doctor and philologist of Chinese language Filip Manja held a lecture on Saturday, March 9th on University of Banja Luka Faculty of Political Studies. The title of the lecture was “Acupuncture – myths and truth”.

This lecture was organized by Confucius Institute at UBL and it attracted citizens of Banja Luka among which there were doctors, physiotherapists and people who are generally interested in this type of Chinese medicine. During the lecture, Filip Manja pointed out some of the usual myths about acupuncture and Chinese medicine in general.


Newly Appointed Ambassador of China to Bosnia and Herzegovina Visits Confucius Institute at University of Banja Luka

Professor Radoslav Gajanin, Ph.D., Rector of the University of Banja Luka and the Confucius Institute team welcomed Ji Ping, newly appointed Ambassador of China to BIH, on 18 February 2019, and discussed the planned activities at the Institute for this year.

巴尼亚卢卡大学孔子学院和巴尼亚卢卡大学安全科学院携手在安全科学院阶梯教室举办了题为“从社会主义现代化到中国梦——中华人民共和国改革开放40周年”讲座。主讲人为贝尔格莱德大学政治学院教授、亚洲研究所主任德拉甘·米特罗维奇(Dragana Mitrović)教授。


Lecture by Prof. Dragana Mitrovic, Ph.D: Let us benefit from our cooperation with China

Professor Dragana Mitrovic, Ph.D, held a lecture at the Faculty of Security Sciences of the University of Banja Luka themed ‘From the Socialist Modernization to the Chinese Dream – 40 Years Since the Reform and Opening Policy of the People's Republic of China’ on 26 February 2019. Professor is the world-known expert on China, director of Asian Institute from Belgrade and Head of the Political Economy Department at the Faculty of Political Science Belgrade University.

巴尼亚卢卡大学孔子学院和安保科学院共同组织《习近平 —— 中国梦》一书介绍活动。该书作者亚历山大·诺瓦奇(Aleksandar Novacic)作为Tanjug通讯社驻北京外国记者介绍了他的著作。


The book "Xi Jiping – The Chinese Dream" by the author Aleksandar Novacic, longtime journalist of Tanjug in Beijing, was promoted on 14 March 2019 in the premises of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska.

The Confucius Institute and the Faculty of Security Sciences at the University of Banja Luka were the organizers of this promotion.

2019年10月23日,受波黑巴尼亚卢卡大学孔子学院邀请,塞尔维亚知名教育学家叶莲娜·傅(Jelena Fu)来到巴尼亚卢卡大学哲学院举办中国教育体制的讲座。叶莲娜·傅毕业于塞尔维亚最高学府贝尔格莱德大学,主修语言专业,是一位有着丰富教学经验的教育工作者,曾在中国居住15年,期间在上海多家教学机构任教。


2019年6月12日,巴尼亚卢卡大学体育学院举办题为:中国武术规则中碰触的重要性。本次讲座由功夫大师德拉根·德鲁米奇(Dragan Djumic)主讲,他根据自己长达30多年的练武经验向大家介绍了中国武术哲学,并强调了身心合一在武术练习中的重要性。在讲座和演示结束后,学生们练习了他们学到的一些武术常用招式。

Chinese Martial Arts – Importance of the touch in the wushu

The lecture “The impact of touch on the definition of the regulations in the martial arts” was held at the Faculty of physical training and sport on the 12thof June.

The lecture was held by Dragan Djumic, the master Wushu and director of the Lotos Cong Fu Club Banja Luka. He has been active in the Chinese martial arts for 30 years hence he emphasized the importance of the philosophy and understanding the heart-mind-power relations.

After the lecture and demonstrations, students practiced certain moves they learned during the lecture.


Delegation from Confucius Institute Headquarters Visited Confucius Institute at University of Banja Luka for Supervision

Delegation led by Zhao Guocheng, Deputy Director-General of Confucius Institute Headquarters visited Confucius Institute at University of Banja Luka for supervision on 10th May, 2019.

The delegation had a meeting with the rector of the University of Banja Luka, Radoslav Gajanin, vice rectors, home director and Chinese director of the Confucius Institute at University of Banja Luka and other staff members at the rector’s meeting room.

当地时间6月14日,在巴尼亚卢卡大学孔子学院组织安排下,驻波黑大使季平访问巴尼亚卢卡大学并作“一带一路”倡议主题讲座。巴尼亚卢卡大学副校长高兰·拉丁诺维奇(Goran Latinovic)、碧莲娜·安图诺维克(Biljana Antunovic),以及巴尼亚卢卡大学各学院院长、孔子学院中外方院长、师生代表100余人出席。


Ambassador Ji Ping Held a Lecture at University of Banja Luka

On 14th June, 2019. Ambassador Ji Pin from the Chinese Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina visited University of Banja Luka and delivered a speech themed Road and Belt Initiative. The lecture was organized by the Confucius Institute at University of Banja Luka at the Faculty of Security Sciences with more than 150 attendees including Vice Rector Goran Latinovic, Vice Rector Biljana Antunovic, deans of faculties and professors and students.


巴尼亚卢卡大学孔子学院学生杨迪安(Tijana Mijatović)献唱电影《花木兰》的中文主题曲《自己》。孔子学院教师高阳和学生杨果果(Dunja Vujic)带来古典双人舞《采薇》。观众们被充满异域风情的传统服饰和别具特色的舞姿所吸引,纷纷拿出手机拍照留念。

Confucius Institute at University of Banja Luka

Joined Academy of Arts in Celebrating World Music Day

On June 21,in 2019, World Music Day was celebrated across the world. Musicians celebrate the World Music Day with open-air performances all over the city as well as in public cultural institutions. Organizers usually use busy walks and the pedestrian zone to surprise the public and remind people of the importance of music

当地时间5月13日,第18届“汉语桥”世界大学生中文比赛波黑赛区选拔赛在帕莱市文化中心举行。来自东萨拉热窝大学中文系、萨拉热窝大学孔子学院、巴尼亚卢卡大学孔子学院的7名选手参赛。巴尼亚卢卡大学孔子学院的参赛选手李小龙(Toni Hadžidedić-Kujundžić)和杨迪安(Tijana Mijatović)表现出色,分别获得比赛的一等奖和三等奖。

Candidates from the Confucius Institute at University of Banja Luka Won the First and Third Prize in Bosnia and Herzegovina Selection Contest of the 18th World Chinese Bridge Competition For College students

The 18th world Chinese Bridge competition Bosnia and Herzegovina Selection contest for college students was held in Pale Culture center. Seven candidates from the Faculty of Sinology at University of East Sarajevo, Confucius Institute at University of Sarajevo and Confucius Institute at University of Banja Luka attended the competition.




- Model CI Joint Conference in Krakow

- Neoma Business School Paris, Stakeholder management training

- 17+1 think tank Symposium in Bled, Slovenia


CIUNIBL in cooperation with Tianjin Esperanto Club and Banja Luka Esperanto translated the story called Mrguda by Petar Kocic the prominent writer of Republika Srpska. Mrguda was promoted in Tianjin, China and was given to the various representatives from Cuba, Serbia, Finland, Barcelona, etc. ''This is Kocic's first piece of work translated into Chinese and the first edition of the Confucius Institute and the University of Banja Luka in Chinese. It was printed in 2,000 copies'', the representative of the International Association of Scientists, Prof. Ljubisa Preradovic


TEA CEREMONY, 20 participants

Chinese director Cai Ying organized Tea Ceremony on the 12th of September and hosted 20 CI students of Chinese language who took part in this important and interesting feature of Chinese tradition and culture



Chinese poetry reading - caffe Yoko April 20th- participants

当地时间9月27日,波黑巴尼亚卢卡大学孔子学院受邀参加在巴尼亚卢卡市青年活动中心(Banja Luka Youth Center)举办的“欧洲研究者之夜” 活动(The European Researchers' Night)。


RESEARCHER’S NIGHT 1000 Participants

CI participated in the EU-sponsored Researcher’s night and in front more than 1000 guests, both adults and children presented the CI work, paper cutting art, calligraphy and weiqi. This event was held simultaneously in Brcko and Banja Luka and CI participated in both cities.CI UNIBL awarded three courses of Chinese language and calligraphy to the participants thus contributing to this great event.



Children performed Chinese traditional songs for the Language Day and event was covered by the national broadcaster RTRS



Chinese Embassy events:

This year we attended two Embassy events, 92nd anniversary of the People Liberation Army and 70th anniversary of the People Republic of China



THE FIRST SUMMER CAMP- 20 participants

Date: 12-23 July 2019.

Students of the Confucius Institute at Banja Luka University were at the summer camp in Tianjin and Beijing between 12 and 23 July 2019. The Confucius Institute at Banja Luka University and Tianjin University of Technology and Education organized their stay at the camp. They provided the participants with accommodation, food and transport in Tianjin and Beijing. Altogether 20 students of the Confucius Institute were given the opportunity to perfect their language and to directly get to know what the students' life is like in China, visit the universities and campuses, as well as visit the capital Beijing and one of China's most developed cities, Tianjin.

After the summer camp five representatives participated in the show prepared by the national broadcaster RTRS and showed photographs. They also made presentation in the Grammar school for their classmates.




The Confucius Institute at University of Banja Luka organized the activities to celebrate the CI day by opening the Dao Garden and Photo Exhibition on Tianjin.

On 24 September 2019, the International Confucius Institute Day was marked by opening the Dao Garden, promoting the translated edition of 'Mrguda' Short Stories and the exhibition of photographs titled 'Tianjin – the Beauty of Far East' by the author Professor Milos Solaja, PhD.

While opening the Dao Garden on the occasion of marking the International Confucius Institute Day, Rector of the University of Banja Luka Professor Radoslav Gajanin, PhD, referred to the fact that the Confucius Institute was opened within the Rectorate at the University of Banja Luka and that it has a significant role in connecting the University with China and its universities.




VI. Major Event and Media Coverage

Between January and November 2019, there were altogether 50 articles on the Confucius Institute at the University of Banja Luka. Number of interviews given by the CI representatives: 11 (5 print, 6 TV interviews).There were 7 media advisories and 6 press releases issued by the CI. Since its opening in January this year until the beginning of November, the Confucius Institute organized 10 and took part in 3 media related events (of which the CI Day and Dao Garden Opening, the academic lectures of the professor Dragana Mitrovic and Aleksandar Novacic in February, and the cultural event World Music Day held in June attracted the most media attention), St Sava School Music Day. Embassy of PR China in Sarajevo took over our press releases on our events and published them in the annual journal and on their site

Some links enclosed:


l 2019年3月,孔子学院院长参加在贝尔格莱德举办的中国学术会议,并对中国外交关系这一议题发表了论文。

l 2019年5月,孔院联络组织了汉办督导团访问,并安排了巴尼亚卢卡大学校长及相关团队与汉办代表的会谈,会谈期间,孔院汇报了举办的文化活动和教学效果。孔院学生也到达会场,向汉办领导展示了他们的中华才艺和汉语水平。

l 孔院院长在克拉科夫的欧洲孔院联席会议中在示范孔院讨论会上宣读了相关论文和研究成果。

l 巴尼亚卢卡孔院帮助国防研究学院副校长拉提诺维奇(Latinovic)访问华东政法大学并协助其签署了师生交流意向书。在此次访问期间,他们也会见了江苏大学代表并签署了合作意向书。

l 巴尼亚卢卡大学首位汉语学生马登(Mladen Duran)获得中国大使馆提供的国家政府奖学金赴华留学,在郑州大学攻读硕士学位。

l 巴尼亚卢卡大学孔院组织了副院长Zeljka Babic赴华东师范大学参加为期三周的汉语学习。这对于孔院和语言学院之间的合作而言,是重要的一步。本次培训由中国驻波黑大使馆协助安排。

l 巴尼亚卢卡大学孔院实现了山东体育学院与巴尼亚卢卡大学体育教育学院在今年6月进行的首次会谈。本次会谈成功达成合作协议。

l 孔院院长及院长助理参加了17+1论坛,孔院院长在中国文化交流与教育期刊上发表相关论文。

l 2019年10月,巴尼亚卢卡大学孔院接待了来自天津市教委的代表团,并组织了其与当地高校和教育界政要的会谈,并联络了塞族共和国国家电视台的报道。代表团与塞族共和国教育部长,巴尼亚卢卡市市长进行了会谈,并达成了一系列合作意向。

VII. Networking to Promote the Cooperation in Economic and Trade, Culture and Education Exchange Between Different Institutions in BiH and China

l In March CI director participated in academic conference on China in Belgrade and presented the paper on Chinese diplomacy

l In May we hosted HANBAN visit and organized lunch with Rector and his team, following which we prepared presentation of the CI activities and examination of the administration paperwork. Students from CIUNIBL came to greet the guests and presented some of their achievements.

l CI director presented paper on Model CI at the European Conference of CI in Krakow

l CI UNIBL helped and organized visit of the dean of the Faculty of Security Studies Ceranic and Vice rector Latinovic to East China University of Law and Political Science and they signed the agreement on students and professors exchange. During the same visit they also met with representatives of Jiangsu University and signed cooperation agreement with them

l The first student from UNIBL, Mladen Duran, left for Zhengzhou University and won the Chinese Embassy Scholarship for MA studies

l CIUNIBL organized visit of the Vice Dean Zeljka Babic to East China Normal University in Shanghai to attend three week training on Chinese language. This is important step in our cooperation with the Faculty of Philology. The visit was organized in cooperation with the Embassy of PR China.

l We facilitated in the meeting between Shandong University of Sport and our Faculty of Physical education and sport in June this year. The cooperation resulted with the agreement and the first summer camp for Chinese students at Banja Luka University

l CI team director and associate attended 17+1 Symposium and CI director presented academic paper on Cultural Diplomacy and Education in China

l In October 2019 we hosted high education delegation from Tianjin and organized meetings with high officials and press conference on the national broadcaster RTRS. The delegation was received by the President Dodik’s Envoy Mrs. Nina Sajic, Minister of Higher Education Srdjan Rajcevic and Mayor of Banja Luka Igor Radojicic.


VIII. Support and Participation in the Local Chinese Language Teaching /Curriculum /Examination Syllabus


The CI at University of Banja Luka was entitled to offer Chinese language courses as credit elective courses in accordance with the European credit recognition system (ECTS). We are currently having ECTS courses at the Faculty of Philology and Academy of Art.



IX. Provision of Services, Classroom and Teaching Points for the Community

Since March. 2019, the CI at University of Banja Luka started to offer Chinese lessons and cultural activities in the school center, village Karanovac to enable children from the countryside to have equal opportunities. We also organize cultural tours for small children from kindergartens enabling them to learn Chinese song, color the masks or play traditional Chinese games.





- From September 2019 we introduced FRIDAY CHINESE CINEMA, where we present and show Chinese films every Friday.

- October 2019- regular Calligraphy lessons at the Institute

- From November 2019 we started with Weiqi Club and weekly games

- Round table organized between faculties at the Banja Luka University and Tianjin official education




The process of public procurement has finished in February and the works started in March. The new office space was successfully finished in May prior to the Hanban visit and Dao Garden was officially open on the CI Day in September. The new space has been designed by professors from the Faculty of Architecture, Banja Luka University in consultations with the architect from Tianjin Mr. Zhao Jinsong. The space is used as an example of modern Chinese architecture, and students from Banja Luka University, Moscow and Belgrade University visited the space.







CI UNIBL pays attention to the promotional material and so far we issued more than 15 different samples and presentations were created. our website on three languages, regularly updated



当地时间3月6日,巴尼亚卢卡大学安保研究学院举办周年庆祝活动。安保研究学院自2016年3月成立后,一直与塞族共和国各政府部门及其他学院合作融洽。值此庆典之际,为表示其真挚的谢意及对合作成果的肯定,安保科学院院长帕拉德拉戈·塞拉尼克(Predrag Ceranic)向热莉卡·茨维亚诺维奇、拉多斯拉夫·加亚宁、卢卡·克戈曼以及巴尼亚卢卡大学孔子学院授予荣誉证书。塞拉尼克对巴尼亚卢卡大学孔子学院与各机构部门开展合作,在推广汉语及中国文化方面所做出的努力和成绩表示认可,并希望未来双方能够开展更多的合作,举办更多的讲座及文化活动,帮助该学院师生更好地了解中国。

X. Awards and Commendations by the Host Government, Community and Beneficiaries of the Services Provided

- Confucius Institute at University of Banja Luka Awarded Gratitude Plate

On the 6th of March 2019, the Faculty of Security Sciences organized the anniversary of the Faculty with suitable program attended by the President of the Republic of Srpska Zeljka Cvijanovic, Secretary General to the RS Government Sinisa Karan, Ministers in the RS Government, Rector of the University of Banja Luka Radoslav Gajanin as well as Vice-Rectors, representatives from the Confucius Institute at University of Banja Luka, Deans, professors and students from Banja Luka University.

- The second award was given to us by the Faculty of Political Science, 25th of March on the occasion of celebrating the Faculty’s anniversary



XI. Problems and Difficulties


Since the officials from the governments, Hanban, embassy, Tianjin University of Technology and Education and University of Banja Luka provided the CI with their contact information and they all provided us with their full support and help whenever we needed it, now, no serious problems or difficulties need to be put forward for discussion.


XII.Plan for the Future Development

· 现已有院长听课及学生评教并将相关记录存档,但尚未制定相关规章制度。为保证教学质量,更好地进行教学质量监控,将在明年制定相关的规章制度。

· 孔院与天津职业技术师范大学提议进行两个项目合作(17+1夏令营及与中国联合培养商务硕士项目),我们希望能尽快落实这两个项目。

· 我们为未来在巴尼亚卢卡大学的汉语学习制定了更详尽的计划,为此,我们需要制定一个专家名单已帮助我们发展英语跨学科研究。

· 组织夏令营。

· 与文法中学校长联手向教育部申请,使汉语成为中学第二外语。

· 我们已向文法中学申请了孔子学院专用教室,目前还在协商中。

· 我们计划实现中国大学生与巴尼亚卢卡大学生之间更多更丰富的交流和夏令营项目。




The Chinese director and home director attended the professors’ lectures and gave suggestions on how to make the lectures more productive and attractive in year 2019. Students’ opinions on the lectures were also collected by doing surveys. Tables were filled in and filed properly. We created regulations and rules on supervising teaching quality.

· We proposed two projects with TUTE (17+1 summer camp and joint MA Doing Business with China) and we hope we will soon start with the implementation

· We plan to develop detailed plan for future Chinese Studies that would be open at the University of Banja Luk. For that we need to make the list of experts who could help us in development of interdisciplinary studies in English language.

Organize Summer Camp for Education Officials and Summer Camp for Students.

With the help from the director in grammar school, get approval from the Ministry of Education and make Chinese language be the second foreign language in Middle school in near future.

· We applied for the CI Classroom in the Grammar School. We still have not received final decision

· We plan concrete exchange and summer camps for both Chinese and UNIBL students

Hopefully next year, University of Banja Luka and Tianjin University of Technology and Education will have more inter-school cooperation. We hope the two universities have more opportunities for academic exchanges and wish the Confucius Institute at University of Banja Luka be more productive.


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Универзитета у Бањој Луци

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Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci

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